Saturday, June 30, 2007

stress and traffic

I've been freaking out a bit because on Wednesday, my senior manager called me into her office and told me that I was being transferred from the San Diego office that I have worked at for the past five years to the Orange County office.



I work in the mortgage business.....and this business is like crack, once you get in, it's nearly impossible to get get addicted to the money when business is good....and when business is bad you get addicted to the hope that business will get better soon and there will be money's very exciting. I also work for a sub=prime lender....ooooohhhhhh. We've been in the news, but we are still open and funding loans and look like we will actually survive the slowness right now.

But in the mean is slow, especially in San Diego. But, the OC office is hot and growing and maybe even bonusing...and they need people. At first, I freaked out. But, I'm trying to look at the positive side to all of this....and it really comes down to money, I guess. If I can make the move up there and actually make bonus, even just a small to mediocre one, that would relieve the $$ stress that I've been feeling for about 7 months now....I wouldn't have to think about moving...I could actually go out to dinner once in a while and get a new pair of shoes :-)

But, that also means OC traffic................ugh!

I have looked at the map and charted out all of the different routes....but it looks like I'm still gonna have to take the dreaded 91. Working in the OC office will add an extra 100 miles per week to my commute. Soooo glad that I bought a V8 Explorer a year ago! And since the 91 is so nasty, it will be likely be a 4 hour commute for me every day. I did find out that there is a train that runs from Riverside to Orange, but I don't know how to get from the train station to the office every day. Maybe I should look into a vespa? Who knows....I'm just trying to stay positive....I still have a job, this could be a good move for me professionally...more opportunities, new faces...blah blah.
But I'm still having trouble getting over the whole WTF aspect of it.


Holly said...

OMGosh! You're going to OC??? But...that's so far away. Although, I don't know why I'm complaining when we don't work together anymore anyway. *sigh*

still..we need to make a date. I miss you.

the extra $$ would be good, though. But I'm sort of stuck on the commute. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

maybe you could ride the bus from the station. if it's not so creepy. maybe there's someone to commute with from the train station that works near your job or in the same building. what about taxi's or dude just get a bike. stay positive, something will work out.

your temp. texan